Tag: Machine Learning

The Pitfalls of AI Applicant Screening Tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool for streamlining the hiring process. By automating the screening of large volumes of job applications, AI promises unparalleled efficiencies, enabling recruiters to swiftly identify top candidates. However, this technological advancement isn’t without its pitfalls. As we integrate AI deeper into the recruitment process, the specter of […]


3 Game-Changers in the L&D Industry

As you may already be aware, learning and development (L&D) will be one of the most innovative departments over the course of the next decade, primarily because of the new technology that L&D departments will use and implement moving forward.

What to Look for in Recruitment Software

The way we work today is a lot different from the way people worked just a decade ago. Freelancing is now a full-time job for many; 9-to-5 weekdays are being replaced by round-the-clock availability of independent consultants; and alternative work arrangements are becoming common throughout firms from global multinational corporations (MNCs) to local, bootstrapped start-ups.

AI Opens the Door for Hiring More Diverse Candidates

Competition for talent is fierce, and the pool for top candidates is seemingly small. That means finding, recruiting, and retaining talented employees is more challenging than ever before.